Our Projects

Our Clients & Affiliations

Our Latest Work

Timberland Consultants (2001) has worked with industry and government clients on full-phase timber development for nearly 40 years.


Since 2005 we have worked on several multiphase development and total chance planning contracts for BCTS within the Kootenay Business area. Work includes planning, development, fieldwork, assessments, mapping/GIS, and silviculture.


Since 2010 we have worked on timber development in the Nakusp, Castlegar, and Slocan areas. Work includes planning, development, fieldwork, assessments, mapping/GIS, and timber valuation.

Fortis BC

Starting in 2019 Timberland has worked with FBC to develop and implement a priority action plan for tree removal and related forestry activities with the objective of increasing the reliability of several major transmission lines in the West Kootenays.


Cooper Creek Cedar

Since 2015 we have worked on full-phase development contracts in the Kootenay Lake and Duncan Lake areas. Work includes layout and development, assessments, timber valuation, and mapping/GIS.


Nature Conservancy of Canada

Starting in 2011, Timberland has worked with the Nature Conservancy on a large-scale forest carbon project on the Darkwoods lands above Kootenay Lake, installing, measuring, maintaining, and remeasuring more than 100 permanent sample plots over 63000 hectares.

Private Land & Woodlots

We provide timber inventory and valuation services, field marking of private land boundaries (non-legal surveys), layout and development, harvest planning, and mapping for private land parcels and private woodlots.

WH2O 1

Whitewater Ski Resort

Timberland has worked with Whitewater on several major infrastructure projects since 2008, providing planning and permitting services for the forestry component of the projects. Projects have included the Glory and Raven terrain expansions and chairlift installations, construction of the Hummingbird Lodge and campground, expansion of parking and septic services, and tree removal for the protection of the resort’s electrical supply line, among others.

ATCO Wood Products

Work includes layout and development, timber valuation, and mapping/GIS for several cutting permits in the Nelson, Castlegar, and Salmo areas in 2022 and 2023

Mercer Celgar

Since 2014 we have worked on full-phase development contracts in the Arrow and Boundary areas. Work includes planning, development and fieldwork, assessments, mapping and GIS, timber cruising, and silviculture